Friday, June 22, 2007

At the Crossroads - AGAIN?

Between despair, anger, sadness and more anger has come the realization that once I come through this current life trial - I will be standing once again and rather unexpectedly - right in the middle of yet another crossroad.
Although I know that for each door that closes, another opens, it does sometimes take some pushing on that door by us to get it open. And in this case there seems to be either a limitless number of doors to choose from, or a lack of doors. A sort of the glass is overflowing or empty kind of quandary.
Oh, I know where I am, I've been here before. Had hoped that I'd made my last visit to this particular little piece of real estate from hell. But it seems, I was wrong. Here I am again.
I'll survive this - I have before.
I'll figure it out and make my way forward again.
But man, I'm tired of coming back to this spot again.


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