Sunday, October 02, 2005

Hurricanes, travel and stuff

Could it really be over a month since I posted a blog? Apparently so, a reality - time flies, whether you are having fun or not. The craziness of life hit me again when I was having a conversation with someone about what is truly important in life. He is younger and currently - hmmmm, between portfolios shall we say. we were discussing our lives, and that of someone else in terms of whether money was the most important thing, or whether feeling some sense of satisfaction in what you do, some challenge, is the big thing.
Older wiser me: "You'll find that when you reach that point where you have enough money, coming in, in the bank, whatever, that you no longer worry day to day that one unexpected illness, or problem could crash you, that you start to realize what is really important isn't money, but how you feel about what you do."
Younger, broke he: "Bull, money is the thing. If you have it or not - it's the thing. It doesn't matter what you do, it's money that is the true measure of what you've accomplished."
Hmmmm...ok - there's a lot to ponder there. I'm not so far from that time(s) when money was a VERY big issue in my day to day life. And what if what you enjoy doing, that has brought you the money that you were needing, is also taking up so much of your life and time that you no longer have any time for any of the other things or people that you care about? Now, there's the rub for me.
This is going to take some pondering.........thoughts?


Blogger Sam Hilliard said...

follow the money...;)

4:22 PM

Blogger Sam Hilliard said...

Mardi gras is on. Or so I read.

6:14 AM


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