Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pondering the word Random

Further thoughts that crop up include pondering the word random itself.
According to the dictionary the meaning is as follows:

ran·dom ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rndm)adj.
Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective: random movements. See Synonyms at chance.
Mathematics & Statistics. Of or relating to a type of circumstance or event that is described by a probability distribution.
Of or relating to an event in which all outcomes are equally likely, as in the testing of a blood sample for the presence of a substance.

Somehow, this doesn't seem to cover it though. The sheer randomness of life seems to have a purpose of its own. It keeps us guessing, on our toes, wondering, "What's next?" I always thought that part of the joy of randomness was it's ability to keep us from becoming too staid, too set in our ways. One of the great tenents of my life has been that "The only constant in life is change." And then there's that word chance...chance encounter...took a chance....what were the chances? Somehow that doesn't feel the same as random, yet the dicitonary tells us it is a synonym. My life seems to have had a purpose to its randomness, a meaning if you will. To accept that you can't let what you have planned for your life get in the way of what life has planned for you.
Everytime I thought I had it licked, had it all figured out, was finally on the right path - BLAM! Life smacked me upside the head! Stupid person - there is no right (or wrong for that matter) path that will make your life hum along like a welltuned engine. Never missing a beat, happy happy happy. Nope. No one gets to keep the gold ring forever - you only get to hold it for a while. But that possession is only temporary, fleeting at best. Before you know it, life has snatched it from your grasp while you weren't looking. The best we can hope for is to get to hold it more than once in our lives.

OK, I can hear your objections - STOP SHOUTING! I know that sounds pessimistic. Fatalistic. Where is the chance in that? Hmmmmm, let me ponder that for a while.


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