Sunday, July 24, 2005

Aren't all thoughts random? Why are yours so special?

How can I answer that queston - thoughts seem to randomly appear even when you're trying to concentrate on a particular problem or topic. Up they pop like like lightning bugs flitting across the sky on a summer night. Some burn brightly and get your immediate attention. Others flicker on and off, on and off, for some time before you notice them. And then there are those whose light is dim, but who land on your hand or head and annoy the heck out of you till you swat them away. But the best and hardest are the ones who flash on and off quickly - flying in strange and random patterns - always just out of reach. They tantalize you with their possibilities, their promise of something special, better. Leading you on a merry chase across the lawn till finally, nearly out of breath, you reach out and grab them, only to open your hand and see that it is empty and that special idea has slipped out of sight. Even if you manage to find it again, it never seems quite the same, some vital bit is missing, it turns out not to be so unique after all. So, what are random thoughts.....


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